Author: oeufuumy
Young Earth Creation and Old Earth Creation and a Third Hypothesis
AbstractThere is an ongoing debate within the Christian community surrounding the nature ofcreation. The two main theories are the Young Earth theory and the Old Earth theory. YoungEarth theory posits the age of the earth is somewhere between 4000-6000 years old based on thegenealogies given in Scripture. Old Earth theory takes a more interpretive approach… Read more
Rhetorical Analysis
In an opinion article in The Washington Times written in January, 2019, called TheOverblown and Misleading Issue of Global Warming the author Anastasios Tsonis talks about thediscussion and debate surrounding the controversy of global warming response. AnastasiosTsonis is a professor of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences at The University of Milwaukeein Wisconsin. He is also an… Read more
Persuasive Essay Final Draft
Theology and religion as a whole is a broad topic with many differing and conflictingworldviews that often leave people wondering what is even true about seemingly fundamentalaspects of reality. Is faith unreasonable in the modern age of science? How does the presence ofevil and suffering lend to there being a God that loves or cares… Read more
Literary Narrative First Draft
Writer’s block is a blessing disguised in a blanket of stress and anxiety. The mind isworking and working yet nothing is being produced. Growing up being told how intelligent andsmart I was seemingly created this expectation in me that anything I should want to do or writeabout should just flow from me. Why wouldn’t it?… Read more
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Read more